January 12, 2024

Anamnesis - Act I Card 2

ACT 1 Card 2

1 My Shadow Card: The Lovers
2 Minor Arcana: Three of Coins - You open your mouth and hear yourself speak. What is your voice like? Does it trigger any memories?

3 Major Arcana: The Moon

Moonlight turns fields silver. Memories shimmer in the light, and the scent of jasmine recalls shared laughter. A question arises: 'What is your voice like?'

Does it speak with clear purpose, carving its path through the unknown? Does it carry the weight of forgotten plans? Does it echo a life once carefully built, now seeking to rebuild?

I cautiously open my mouth, and a sound breaks the silence. The raw material of forgotten memories carries promises, silent laughter, and the faint whisper of love's plans, scattered and incomplete. The moon weaves resilience and purpose into my voice, like a foundation built stone by stone in the moonlight. My voice gains strength and resolve, igniting the forge of self-creation. The lovers are present as a whisper of moonlight, reminding me of shared dreams spoken under starlight. Jasmine infuses my voice with a yearning for strength to grow anew, even in solitude.

Understanding dawns suddenly with the clarity of a found plan.  My voice echoes the steadfastness of a life under reconstruction. It is the voice of a soul reclaiming its narrative, rebuilding its identity amidst the fragments of the past.

I speak with strength. I do not weave words but construct a steady scaffolding against the moonlit fields. The scaffolding speaks of lovers' fading silhouettes. It does not express sorrow but determination to forge a path alone, guided by the moon's light and jasmine's promise of new growth. The song is about loss and rebirth, of a foundation shattered and painstakingly rebuilt, brick by brick. A solitary bloom stands as a testament to resilience and self-reliance.

As the song rises, the path ahead unfolds. The road ahead is not winding, but a blueprint taking shape. The labyrinth transforms into a sanctuary of the self. The lovers call out, their faces hidden by mist. They no longer remind us of loss, but instead urge us to create something new. The moon casts its light, and jasmine whispers of stories waiting to be written. The foundation is being laid with a melody of stones, leading to a home built on the strength of the soil. It is not a shared garden, but a solitary bloom that provides the foundation.

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